SCOUTin our feelings, in our way of doing things and in our history.
OPENto new ideas and to all people without any type of distinction, inalienably identifying ourselves with the style of Scouting.
VOLUNTEERboth in the length of stay and in the degree of commitment.
PARTICIPATORYin our educational methodology.
DEMOCRATICin our dynamics and social conception, while seeking consensus.
CIVIC AND COMMITTED TO SOCIETYby educating with the aim of preparing good citizens who are aware and consistent with their social responsibilities in all fields.
INDEPENDENTof any political party.
non-denominational, committed to working spirituality respecting all beliefs.
BELIEVERin the terms in which the World Scout Constitution and the text of our promise are expressed.
CURRENT AND CRITICALin their approaches by constantly analyzing the social problems of our environment.
SOLIDARYwith the different social realities to favor their integration in society.
ACTIVEwith a positive attitude of search towards an improvement of society through the education of youth and childhood.
DEFENDER OF THE ENVIRONMENTcultivating respect for it and working for its knowledge and protection.
COEDUCATIONALin our pedagogical postulates, structure, organization and in our habitual practice.
In summary:ENGAGEDto collaborate in the comprehensive education of children and youth, without giving up the style of Scouting.
For our educational action to be aimed at developing a critical spirit and promoting an attitude of service to others as a learning tool. To make sociocultural animation proposals adapted to our possibilities and aimed at improving the different social realities. To promote knowledge of different cultures and to eradicate all kinds of inequality. To educate in non-violent attitudes and for peace.
To educate in the knowledge, conservation, defense and improvement of the Environment
Environment, considering contact with Nature necessary. To promote, support and develop improvements in the urban and rural environment, within a philosophy of sustainable development.
We foster a critical spirit that promotes values based on healthy lifestyle habits. We work to minimize the consumption of harmful substances. We foster an attitude of respect towards others and towards ourselves. We educate for a healthy and responsible sexuality. We believe in the importance of maintaining continuous training for educators in areas related to health: food handling, first aid, etc.
Respecting all types of spirituality and all beliefs, without taking an option as a group for any of them. We are committed to living the promise and the Scout Law as fundamental means for this.